The History of the Niedermeyer Farm
speech of Dr. Richard Sautmann held on 24 July 2004
(translated by Lutz Hollmann-Raabe)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are standing right know here on the property of the Niedermeyer Farm
in Berghausen at an outstanding historical place. Unfortunately
there are no existing Documents left of the historical beginning but
it’s safe to say that:
The Niedermeyer and Obermeyer Farm in Berghausen originally belonged
together and in there origin that is to say that these both farm’s
were a “Meyerhof”. In the early Middle ages in the change from
the Saxon to the Carolingian times about 1200 Years ago there hade
the Meyerhöfe still a specific function. The Meyerhöfe where
intermediary between the aristocracy and the Farmers. There function was to sow the fields
and to fill the barns of the aristocracy. They
where also in choice for the completion of the services, so that the
aristocracy could wag wars against there enemies.
In the following of the Middle ages the Meyerhöfe got more and more
dispensable. The aristocracy
hade now there own administrator and from now an they took over all
the duties the Meyerhöfe just to do. From now on was the Berghauser
Meyerhof just a big Farm with out any duties. On one point of time
the Meyerhof got prorated and the Niedermeyer Farm where we are
standing right know and the Obermeyer Farm originated. The legal
status of the Niedermeyer Farm in the Middle ages was different to
what we would imagine newer days. They where tributary to the
landlord of Ravensberg.
Lordship means the belongings on property and on the number of tributary. The tributary’s where supposed to serve there
landlords and to pay tributes. The aristocracy financed out of the
tributes there standard of living
and there political and militariecel dedications. During the middle
ages almost all farmers got in to the addiction of aristocracies ruler. Concretely applied about 85 % of the
land living population in
the Shire of Ravensberg as bond-farmers. In the middle of the 15th
century 43% of the bond-farmers where in obedience to the Landlords.
Almost 45% where in obedience to the ministerial nobility, about 11%
to the church and only about 1% of the farmers where free. Bond-Farmer meant that the farmer hade an perishable right of
use on his Farm but he was not the owner of his Farm. The actual
owner of the farm was still the Landlord and because of that he had
in the ideal case the right to assign a new Farmer on his farm. The
bond-farmer was with his hole family in an official duty to his landlord, bondage hade concrete consequences which the
farmer families could fell on there on body’s every now and than they hade to do immoderate
Alongside to the above mentioned charges and restrictions where there a
few more which needed to be financed. Regular services on the Farms
of the Landlords, years of service for sons and daughters rental
dues from the harvest of
the land which belonged to landlord but also tributes e.g. as pigs
or cows. That was not all what the farmers in the Middle ages hade
to pay there where even more taxes.
Know let us look in which concrete dependence the Niedermeyer Farm
in Berghausen was at the ending of the middle ages how many tributes
hade to come from the farm and what the social status of the farm was. Out of a compilation from 1556
we adept that the farm was run by the time from a family called
Diederich. The name of the Farm is not any more Meyer it is now
called Niedermeyer. As a matter of course we also find at that times the Farm Obermeyer in Berghausen.
Originally the two farms where the Meyerhof. They where now called
“heelspänner”. It means roughly Translated that they belonged
to the largest farms and an enormous number on acres hade and for
that reason they hade to pay many tributes and hade a lot of
services to do. The farm hade a lot of estates but not many cartels.
Farmer Niedermeyer feed up 4 pigs a year and two of them where
tributes two the landlord same as it was on the Obermeyer Farm. Let
us look a little bit closer now on the tributes and services of the Niedermeyer farm in Berghausen. One day
of the weak the Niedermeyer hade to work with two horses for his
landlord the landlord of Ravensberg or he hade to pay gold gulden.
Money was always rare so the farmer probably sent one of his farm
labours with two horses to his landlord. In addition to that farmer
Niedermeyer hade still to pay his tributes: great deals of rye,
barley and oat where
payable, also 2 cows, 2 pigs and 2 chickens a Year. Also two and a
half Schilling to the church in Borgholzhausen and two and a half to
the church of Bockhorst.
The legal status of the farms the dependence to the aristocracy
stayed century’s. The
farmers only hade confined easement on the farms. They where not
allowed to sell any field or to borrow money and where not be abele
to invest money in to the cultivation of the surrounding area
With abolishment of the bondage in the early 19th century the
Farmers got free and owners of there own land. As from now on masses
of the undeveloped area got cultivated and the still seen cultivated landscape got created. |