The Niedermeyer Family

The Niedermeyer family in Germany

Joh.Heinr.Aug.Niedermeyer+Cath.Wilh.Knemeyer about 1904 Grandpa-August-and-Reinhard and 1934 wedding of Heinr.Niedermeyer+AlwineSchacht 1921 Heinr.Niedermeyer family about 1930 ElfriedeNiedermeyer about 1950 Heinr.Niedermeyer famiy about1950 golden-wedding-anniversary-Heinr.+Alwine 1971

The Bergfeld Family about 1930

Grandpa Friedrich Wilhelm Bergfeld Grandma Catharine Wilhelmine Thielke Bergfeld Bergfeld cottage 1930

Daily life in the countryside about 1930

felling trees grain harvest loading the sheaves potato harvesting mill on the pond

American visitors in Germany 1975

AnnaNiedermeyer-Wendt-in-Amshausen 1975 HarveyNiedermyer&Wilma-in-Berghausen 1975 Harvey&Wilma-on-the-Luisenturm-1975


Church of Borgholzhausen Church of Borgholzhausen Altar of the Church

Remembering the last reunion in Germany 2004

Family Group at Brincke Family Group at Ravensberg Castle Family Group at Niedermeyer farm